It is Memorial Day weekend, and in the spirit of remembering those people who gave their lives for our country, we should also remember the things that made America great. With that, I offer to you the following obituary I wrote while waiting to pick up my son from school today. Enjoy:
INDUSTRIAL MANUFACTURING IN THE UNITED STATES, 130, died early in the first quarter of 2009 after a wonderfully productive life. Between 1870 and 1900 and lasting for decades afterward, the United States became the world's foremost industrial nation, emerging as the leader in meatpacking, timber and steel production as well as in mining and automobile production. The nation experienced a stunning growth in the scale and pace of industrial production, which transformed business, the environment, the workplace, the home, and everyday life. The workers responsible for the creation of massive wealth did well themselves, and led to the formation of a group of millions of citizens known popularly as the "Middle Class"; A class with modest means, nice homes, health insurance, retirement benefits and the ability to properly educate their children. Manufacturing created the awesome, mind-boggling power of the United States Armed Forces, enabling the country to not only defend itself , but to liberate hundreds of countries from enemies all over the world. Later in life, American Manufacturing was shunned and fell from favor among the wealthy and the "upper class", seeking to keep more for itself, began the practice of manufacturing important goods in foreign countries at substandard wages and working conditions. Thus began the famed "race to the bottom", and after such a proud history of enriching citizens from every social class, American Manufacturing ended up a bare-bones operation and a shadow of its former glory. The people who once depended on American Manufacturing are now unknowingly supporting the notion of low-wage slave workers in foreign factories by shopping endlessly at places like Wal*Mart. American Manufacturing passed away unceremoniously with relatively few people noticing after battling a years-long illness and conspicuous neglect.
Industrial Manufacturing in America leaves behind millions of workers who depended on it for jobs, an honest living and the dignity that comes with working a 40+ hour week. It will one day be sorely missed and fondly remembered by the wealthy nation that turned its back on hard work and instead focused on greed. Just like the Romans.
Condolences, expressions of sympathy and memorial gifts may be sent to your local unemployment office.