“The Pond Creek Corridor Shared-Use Path is a key link between the Loop, Watson Lane and Fairdale,” says Councilwoman Vicki Aubrey Welch (D-13). “This meeting is a chance to learn more about the proposed restoration plan for the corridor which ultimately leads to the Jefferson Memorial Forest.”
Welch, along with Council members Rick Blackwell (D-12), Bob Henderson (D-14) and David Yates (D-25), sees the Louisville Loop as a great enhancement to southwest Jefferson County.
“This meeting will have an overall presentation of this section of the Master Plan and then small group discussions will be held so Metro Parks can listen to any suggestions from the public about designing this section of the Loop,” says Blackwell.
Metro Parks is the main agency responsible for developing the 100 mile Louisville Loop which will ultimately provide an exercise, hiking and bike route around Metro Louisville. Some sections of the Loop will be able to accommodate horseback riders.
“It is important that residents of all our districts keep up with the project because it will be an opportunity to continue recreational accessibility from Riverview Park to the Forest,” says Yates.
Riverside, the Farnsley-Moremen Landing is located 7410 Moorman Road.
“This is an opportunity to get out and get involved in what’s going on in our area. This project like all our parks is for all of us and our families so help us make it a reality,” says Henderson.
To learn more about the Pond Creek Shared-Use Path and Ecological Restoration Plan meeting call Metro Parks at 456-8100. To learn more about the Louisville Loop go to: