It is official: Louisville is receiving $1.8 million federal dollars to construct a downtown bike station. You might remember the story. The subject came up around here in February, and I beat it savagely. I still thinks it speaks to all that is stupid and aloof and arrogant and wasteful in this city. The center, which may be used by up to 2000 people, will feature lockers, showers, personal storage, a cab stand, a TARC kiosk, a coffee shop and a rental car business.
The Courier-Journal has an article on the bike station, and they managed to find one person who biked his way downtown "most days" for nearly 25 years. That statement brings up an interesting point: Louisville experiences an average annual snowfall of 16.4 inches and an average annual rainfall of 44.53 inches. The wettest seasons are the spring and summer, although rainfall is fairly constant year round. Who would ride a bike to work in the snow or in the rain?
Gas prices are certain to rise in the future, no doubt about it. But I don't think this is the answer. Bicycles are not the future of transportation in a city like Louisville. I think a $1.8 million dollar investment in light rail would have benefited many more citizens and done more for the regions air quality. But I'm not making the decisions.
I bet I can find up to 2000 people in Louisville who enjoy riding horses. Would they ride a horse to work? Who knows? Would you be willing to pay nearly 2 million dollars for a downtown stable to find out?
I recommend the mayor, at the completion of the bike center, require metro government workers provided with cars replace them with bicycles for intown work. Practice what he preaches regarding alternative transportation. A new position for one of his deputies should be bike center manager. If the mayor were a horseback rider would he have created a stable? Nevermind, he produces enough horses**t.
ReplyDeleteFor me it goes back to the age old problem, goverment being all things to all people. Today no one is flush with cash.
ReplyDeleteFor local government stick with the basics: Search for and bring jobs to the community, keep the streets in good repair, give us a safe community and fire protection; and quality public parks and recreation facilities.
Sure glad I moved to Corydon twenty years ago. I miss my old Valley home at times but I am glad I don't have to put up with the likes of Jerry. I see more coyotes here than I do mayors and bikes. Go Cat's.
ReplyDeleteI can find you person after person that not only ride to work everyday, but do not even own cars for that matter right here in Louisville. Even being a bike advocate myself, I'm not sure how much sense this makes but I have yet to see any relevant arguments as to why. The only thing I've heard comes from people that would never consider a bicycle a viable form of transportation to begin with.
ReplyDeleteAfter all, isn't this your democracy in action? When you place people in control of your lives, how can you expect them to keep your best interest in mind?
Sorry, but this is an abuse of the stimulus money.
If we assume that Louisville will have the same percentage of the population using the facility that they do in Chicago (0.01%) we'll have about 140 people using the facility. Based on the budgeted cost that comes out to over $10,000 per person. Not a great investment no matter how you look at it full one that Mayor Jerry is ecstatic about. No wonder everyone is beginning to wonder about his mental stability!