Ok, everyone. I'm sure you are sick of my many emails about the biggest loser contest. Well, Forgive me but I have another:
We are changing the location and time of the weigh in. It will be at BW3's on Dixie Hwy, Sunday the 25th of January between the Hours of 3:30 and 6:30pm.
Our Nice Friends at BW3's (Sean Spalding) are giving us our own corner of the Restaurant, there will be Wings for contestants and drink specials.
There is also a UofL game that day. If you want to come out early to watch, come on. If this time frame doesn't fit into your schedule please email me and I will do my best to get you weighed in a little earlier.
Everyone is invited out even if you are not in the contest.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
SW "Biggest Loser" UPDATE
Another update on the Southwest "Biggest Loser" contest:
Good Stuff,
SW Louisville
Friday, January 16, 2009
WHAS = Faux News?
Despite withering bipartisan calls for Louisville Metro Government to "Open The Books" and questionable budget priorities amid a supposed $20 million dollar shortfall, WHAS11 TV has chosen to "investigate" the case of some open windows at Police Headquarters. Be careful. This is riveting television.
See the melodrama HERE.
I am not a media critic, but a ten-year-old can see this type of cheap reporting belongs on "Inside Edition" or "Geraldo", and is not fit for a local newscast. Especially during these times of imminent peril and danger with respect to the dire financial situations and empty mayoral promises many viewers are facing. It is, for lack of a better word, chickenshit.
Sadly, this is what passes for "investigative journalism" at the once-proud WHAS11, and is only more proof that the burden of exposing and reporting the truth on real issues increasingly lies with citizen journalists. With the focus continuing to be placed on head-hunting and the corporate bottom line at Belo, real reporting suffers horribly, and fails the community.
Support real news. Support your local bloggers.
See the melodrama HERE.
I am not a media critic, but a ten-year-old can see this type of cheap reporting belongs on "Inside Edition" or "Geraldo", and is not fit for a local newscast. Especially during these times of imminent peril and danger with respect to the dire financial situations and empty mayoral promises many viewers are facing. It is, for lack of a better word, chickenshit.
Sadly, this is what passes for "investigative journalism" at the once-proud WHAS11, and is only more proof that the burden of exposing and reporting the truth on real issues increasingly lies with citizen journalists. With the focus continuing to be placed on head-hunting and the corporate bottom line at Belo, real reporting suffers horribly, and fails the community.
Support real news. Support your local bloggers.
Metro Government,
Rip Offs,
The Cops
Find A Felon Friday - January 16
This week we are going back a dozen years to catch a little weasel that shot and killed Joyce Skees in a Shively bank parking lot. The sketch of this jackass has been altered to show age progression. When/if you see this man, show no mercy.

Let's get 'em, boys!
Public Safety,
The Cops
Bring In The Brass Monkey, He Will Appreciate It....
Okay. We all know it is cold. This raw Canadian air dances on my exposed nerves and causes frequent frustration around my home. My dogs are utterly refusing to go outside, and my paperboy is still in bed, ignoring pleas to deliver the news. Speaking of news, even the Courier-Journal and the mayor's office admit it is cold. What we have here is a non-partisan issue we can finally all agree on. All we lack now is someone to exploit it....
But what no one is talking about is what they are doing to stay warm.
Do you exercise to stay warm? Do you drink whiskey? Do you burn overdue bills in the fireplace?
Let us know what you are doing to stay warm. The most creative might win a prize. I have a box of popsicles in my back yard, and they aren't getting any warmer.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
REMINDER: Tax Help Available
I have received an email reminder on the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program, and I wanted to pass along this information so that you or someone you know may take advantage of the program. We all know times are tough, and every little bit of extra help counts. Please consider utilizing the VITA if you qualify, and spread the word!
Program to help low income families and individuals.
Louisville – It is a program designed to help anyone who makes less than $42,000 file their income taxes for free with expert help along the way.
“I am so pleased that Metro Council members are helping us support the VITA tax service,” says Councilman Bob Henderson (D-14). “It is an easy way to help people through the complexity of the tax code and help them understand what they are entitled to in refunds.
In 2008, the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program helped 7,000 individuals in 11 locations throughout Metro Louisville.
The Louisville Building Asset Coalition is partnering with Metro Council Members to help provide funding for this free service in 2009. Other partners include the Internal Revenue Service, Metro United Way, Insight Communications, Metro Government and many other organizations.
Joining Councilman Henderson, Council members Vicki Aubrey Welch (D-13), Marianne Butler (D-15), Tina Ward-Pugh (D-9), Rick Blackwell (D-12), James Peden (R-23), David Tandy (D-4) and Brent Ackerson (D-26).
“This year VITA hopes to help some 8,000 individuals,” says Henderson. “In these tough economic times this is a big help to people who need to make sure they are getting every dollar available to them when it comes to a tax refund.”
The free VITA service begins Tuesday, January 20th and runs through April 15th. “On January 20th, the Southwest site will open located at 10646 Dixie Highway,” says Henderson. “The service will run until tax season is over.”
The hours of operations for the Southwest location are Monday, 9:00am to 4:00pm through Thursday 9:00am to 7:00pm. The site will also be open on Saturday 10:00am to 3:00pm.
To learn more about times and locations of VITA Centers call the Metro United Way’s 211 number.
Good Stuff,
SW Louisville,
The Economy
LEO Weekly - The Abramson Interview
LEO Weekly's new issue contains the much-anticipated interview of Louisville Mayor Jerry Abramson. Thank you, Stephen George, for making the audio available as well.
Abramson quickly reminds the reader of his optimist/cheerleader role by classifying himself as a "glass half-full" type of guy, but the people have grown tired of "half-full" or "half empty" glass comparisons. Citizens all agree that the damned glass is not full, so lets move on. In this interview, the questions were different but the song remained the same.
We can learn much about the mayor's agenda by listening carefully to what he doesn't say, but first, a quick rundown of what is actually on the record:
Unions: Nuts
Economy: Bad
Arena: Good
Fort Knox: Good
MetroSafe: Good
Otter Creek: Closed
Abramson quickly reminds the reader of his optimist/cheerleader role by classifying himself as a "glass half-full" type of guy, but the people have grown tired of "half-full" or "half empty" glass comparisons. Citizens all agree that the damned glass is not full, so lets move on. In this interview, the questions were different but the song remained the same.
We can learn much about the mayor's agenda by listening carefully to what he doesn't say, but first, a quick rundown of what is actually on the record:
Unions: Nuts
Economy: Bad
Arena: Good
Fort Knox: Good
MetroSafe: Good
Otter Creek: Closed
Somehow, and this escapes my grasp, the mayor sees the consolidation of Dow Chemical and Rohm & Haas as a "hopeful" event. Perhaps he should ask some Rohm & Haas employees how "hopeful" they feel about their future. Questioned on Ford Motor Company, Abramson states Ford has contacted his office and has guaranteed to forge ahead with retooling for the Louisville Assembly Plant, as long as Ford is "still in business in 2010." Not much of a guarantee, eh?
Mayor Abramson's plan for Louisville seems to rely solely on President-Elect Obama's stimulous plan. I think that is a monumental, all-of-your-eggs-in-one-flimsy-basket mistake.
Part of a mayor's job is to promote, so when Jerry is in total optimist mode, I can forgive him for not wanting to be a "Debbie Downer". But he owes the citizens a realistic summary of what is going on in Louisville, no matter if it be positive or negative. We deserve openness and truth, not a spin campaign that frames every issue as "Mayor-as-Victim". Part of that task can be accomplished by opening the books. The other part can be accomplished by walking the talk. Mr. Abramson, if you want to be Louisville's CEO, the CEO of a financially-troubled company, then start paying yourself a dollar per year. Show us that you are willing to sacrifice before asking the citizens to do so.
I want to hear your impression of what you read. And as always, thank you.
Mayor Abramson's plan for Louisville seems to rely solely on President-Elect Obama's stimulous plan. I think that is a monumental, all-of-your-eggs-in-one-flimsy-basket mistake.
Part of a mayor's job is to promote, so when Jerry is in total optimist mode, I can forgive him for not wanting to be a "Debbie Downer". But he owes the citizens a realistic summary of what is going on in Louisville, no matter if it be positive or negative. We deserve openness and truth, not a spin campaign that frames every issue as "Mayor-as-Victim". Part of that task can be accomplished by opening the books. The other part can be accomplished by walking the talk. Mr. Abramson, if you want to be Louisville's CEO, the CEO of a financially-troubled company, then start paying yourself a dollar per year. Show us that you are willing to sacrifice before asking the citizens to do so.
I want to hear your impression of what you read. And as always, thank you.
Metro Government,
Public Heath and Safety,
The Economy,
The Mayor
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Chief Obstructionist Served with Petition
Here are some photos of today's gathering where a petition was delivered to Senator Mitch McConnell. As you recall, I posted an item on this gathering a few days ago. Thanks to the couple of dozen folks who braved the frigid air to deliver the message to Sen. McConnell that the people will not allow the President-Elect's agenda to be mutilated by he & other obstructionist politicians.
Photo Albums,
The Economy,
U.S. Senate
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
District 12 Dialogue - January 20th

This looks like it could be an interesting get-together. Any time Bud Schardein shows up in Southwest Louisville there could be fireworks. But then again, it could turn out to be a normal neighborhood meeting. One never knows. Besides, Congressman Yarmuth's office is sending a representative. If you live in District 12, try to make this meeting. If you cannot be there, don't worry. The Valley Report will be providing full coverage.
District 12 Dialogues resume on Tuesday, January 20th
MSD Director featured speaker for 7:00pm event
Louisville -- Councilman Rick Blackwell announces the kickoff for the 2009 District 12 Dialogues will be on Tuesday, January 20th at 7:00pm.
"I want to issue an invitation to everyone in the district to come out and meet with me as we continue to address concerns and issues in Metro Louisville," says Blackwell.
The featured guest for this first District 12 Dialogue will be Bud Schardein of the Metropolitan Sewer District. He will discuss future MSD programs during the meeting as well as update current drainage projects and sewer projects that are ongoing.
"MSD has made a great many improvements to our area," says Blackwell. "This is a chance for residents to get the correct information about what MSD is planning with improvements and how it will affect everyone."
The meeting will be held at Conway Middle School, 6300 Terry Road.
Representatives from Louisville Metro Police, the Division of Licensing and Permits, Neighborhoods and other departments of Metro Government will be on hand to answer questions about programs or concerns. A representative of Congressman John Yarmuth's office will also be in attendance.
For more information about the January District 12 Dialogue, contact Councilman Blackwell's office at 574-1112.
3rd Congressional District,
District 12 Metro,
Local Coal Ash Retention Ponds - WHAS11
WHAS11 aired a report last night that revealed just how large and hazardous "coal ash ponds" can be for those living near an LG&E power plant in Southwest Louisville. If you or someone you know live near one of the power plants, you are urged to watch this report.
See it by clicking HERE.
A similar "high-risk" situation existed at a power plant in Knoxville, Tennessee. A wall of a retention pond for coal ash failed, and sent a high speed tidal wave of poison sludge that wrecked the neighborhoods surrounding the facility. Read that story HERE.
See it by clicking HERE.
A similar "high-risk" situation existed at a power plant in Knoxville, Tennessee. A wall of a retention pond for coal ash failed, and sent a high speed tidal wave of poison sludge that wrecked the neighborhoods surrounding the facility. Read that story HERE.
Public Heath and Safety,
SW Louisville
Monday, January 12, 2009
Have You Read The Local Weekly This Week?
Pick up your free copy of The Local Weekly at your favorite local retailers. It is the South End's only paper, so let's get behind a great cause and support the advertisers. Plus, this week has a special guest contributor. He is quite a writer, *cough*. Check it out today.
The Local Weekly can also be accessed by clicking HERE.
The Local Weekly can also be accessed by clicking HERE.
Good Stuff,
SW Louisville
UPDATE: New Rules for "Biggest Loser" Southwest
I have just received new information regarding this ultra-popular event that is quickly turning into a local phenomenon. Here's the latest:
You can contact Joey Sears by clicking HERE. Let's get busy with those prizes!
Due to Overwhelming Response we are going to drop the age for ladies to 28 and over, and just use your best judgment if you think you are overweight. We want all you ladies to get back into your bikini form by spring, or as close to it as possible. Do not be Shy, but if you know you only need to lose a few pounds, be fair.
A BIG NOTE !!!! Ladies, we will not be having you on a scale in front of anyone and your weight will be kept private, it will not be posted in any way. We will also will not let anyone know how many doughnuts you eat the day of the weigh in. This is something for fun and a little competition so, again, don't be shy.
Also: Guys we are going to Drop the Age to 30 and over, but sorry we will be posting your fat ass weight to everyone, and the amount of doughnuts you eat at the weight in.
You can contact Joey Sears by clicking HERE. Let's get busy with those prizes!
Good Stuff,
SW Louisville
Protest the Hijacking of America's Agenda - January 14

There is a serious a fight brewing around the economic recovery plan that President-Elect Obama is going to offer to Congress. Lobbyists and stupid little gunsels from the soon to be departed Bush Administration are pushing hard to load the plan up with more billionaire tax cuts to slow the plan's progress. This puts the future of the new legislative agenda in serious jeopardy.
So, in the spirit of democracy, and because it is the right thing to do, there will be a gathering among concerned citizens on January 14 @ 1pm, outside of Senator McConnell's Louisville office at 6th & Broadway.
If you own a small business, have a "green" job, work in health care, face foreclosure on your home, or lost your job as a result of this greed-driven economic disaster, the organizers would like to extend a special invitation to you to share your story at the event.
Dress warmly, load up on good coffee or whatever you like to drink in below-freezing temperatures, and come on down. It should be fun.
Rip Offs,
The Economy,
U.S. Senate
Sunday, January 11, 2009
"Biggest Loser" Southwest Contest

The following is some information I received from fellow South-Ender Joey Sears via Facebook. He, Jack Dale and some of the other guys started a group called "I Grew Up in the South End of Louisville During the 70's, 80's and 90's. Check it out HERE.
Hello everyone. I hope you are having fun with all of the old pictures and memories. I'm sure a few of you have dug them out from the parents closet and are thinking, "Wow what happened to me", I know I have.
Well Now it is time to have a little more fun. If you are over the age of 35, live in Louisville and are more than 35 lbs over weight Joey Sears and Jack Dale have a challenge for you.
Are you tired of your old friends not being able to recognize you? Tired of people touching your stomach and asking when the baby is due? Are you tired of just being a fat ass just like Joey Sears and Jack Dale?
We will be having a South End Group "biggest loser" contest starting on Sunday Jan 25th. and ending on the first day of Spring. Entry Fee will be $10.00 and we will be doing the weigh in at Krispy Kreme Doughnut's at 3920 Seventh St. Rd in Shively at 3pm. This will be your chance to eat your last fill of doughnuts before you start eating rabbit food and other tasteless crap.
There will be a group for Men and Women, and the winner will receive 80% of the Pot with the Runner up getting the other 20%. There will also be other prizes.
Email me or Jack Dale to put your name on the list and to get more details on the rules.
This is a good opportunity to see some old friends, lose a little weight and maybe win some cash & prizes. Check out this group as soon as you can. And if any of you may have the means, please consider donating a prize to the lucky winners. See the Facebook Group page for more info.
Good Stuff,
SW Louisville
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