As you know, everything along the river is flooded.
Riverview Park (Greenwood Boat Docks) has been closed and will remain so until the water subsides. The Ohio River has reached the main parking area and will be threatening the playground before it finally retreats back to within its banks.
Note: Because of the seriousness of the flooding situation I won't be using any flood-related cliches.
The bad news keeps coming in, as more rain is in the forecast this week, the heaviest predicted for Wednesday. On Sunday, the National Weather Service stated the Louisville area had received a half-foot of rain in a week.
Governor Steve Beshear has declared a state of emergency.
As we here in Louisville are waiting to see how bad it gets, folks in and around Rough River Lake are highly alarmed at what is going on. The following is from the site's official facebook page:
As of 6:30 pm the lake level is 517.62 msl this is 22.62 ft above summer pool (495 msl) and still rising. The lake is expected to reach or exceed its record pool of 521.6 msl which was set in February 1989. If you have personal property in flowage easement we highly recommend you move it before it becomes inundated.
If you have any related photos you would like to share, please let me know. And don't try to drive over flooded roads.
Stay high and dry, and thanks for reading The Valley Report.