Thursday, July 30, 2009

Dining in Southwest Louisville

There is an interesting article by Marty Rosen in the latest Velocity Magazine that caught my attention this morning. Rosen capably and accurately discusses the local restaurant scene and why he thinks Louisville is a great restaurant town. But we aren't talking the franchised joints like Taco Bell here, boys. This is about the locally based, locally owned places that we need more of, particularly in Southwest Louisville.

There is also a new development over at Consuming Louisville, a local food blog. Author Michelle Jones is looking to go on tour throughout the city, sampling each 'hood's local fare. This is a great idea. HERE is the article at Consuming Louisville. Urge her to stop by Southwest Louisville.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Hits & Misses

- Senator Jim Bunning, 77, turned to wax yesterday and, as expected, dropped out of his re-election race and effectively ended his term as U.S. Senator from Kentucky. Bunning was seen as an embarrassment to the Commonwealth the last several years because of his goofy actions and stupid comments. Bunning blamed his fellow Republicans for his inability to raise funds and for his ridiculous, doddering, old-man antics. The Courier-Journal has more HERE. Kentucky Republican Secretary of State Trey Greyson has announced he will definitely run for the seat.

- There has been much talk in private circles about contenders for Louisville's next Mayor. I have many names. Let me know who you like and why. This will be interesting.

- Movie Alert: If you haven't seen "The Hangover", you should at least try to check it out. It is the funniest movie I have seen in many years.

- Louisville Police Chief Robert White says he may skip town after Jerry Abramson leaves office. WHAS11 has the report HERE.