The Butchertown Neighborhood Association started a blog a few days ago, and I posted a link on the left sidebar under "Links" for your enjoyment. It is a nice site and should be useful to the residents there. I commented on their site and welcomed them to the blog world, wishing them success and praising them for their commitment to their neighborhood.
Today, four days later, there was a confused and out of place response by Diana Newton, staff assistant for Metro Councilman Doug Hawkins, posted on the Butchertown site. Besides being quite obnoxious to the folks in Butchertown by injecting her rancid brand of politics to an otherwise neutral organization, she was also very insulting to me personally.
To wit:
DianaNewtonSW14 said...I trust that you will INCLUDE those in the Butchertown community that have vigilantly fought FOR the area for years and have received nothing but scorn from the Abramson administration for doing so.
On a related note,
the posting above from Brian Tucker is a perfect example of someone who is carrying Abramson's water. And Tucker is a political hack! He is not anyone's role model.
Mrs. Newton, I know you have visited my site before, and I know you and others in your office have done so on the city's time. Perhaps someone should suggest cutting your position in city government if all you have to do during your day is to surf the web and leave nasty comments on blogs. It looks like the city could use the extra $9360.
Anyway, I hope the folks in Butchertown are not offended by this lack of decency, and I want them as well as everyone else to know that "Crazy Lady Newton" does not speak for Southwest Louisville residents in any way, shape or form. And we apologize for her buffoonery.