Thursday, December 18, 2008

Mayor Ignores Open Records Request

The All-Powerful, Infallible Mayor of Louisville has decided not to answer an open records request made by the city's unions with regard to the $20 million dollar budget shortfall. The Mayor states all information can be gathered from the metro website, something that citizens as well as labor groups do not believe to be true.

According to the Sunshine Review,
The Kentucky Open Records Act is a series of laws designed to guarantee that the public has access to public records of government bodies at all levels in Kentucky, so that citizens have some idea of what is happening with their government. Statues KRS 61.870 to 61.884 define the law.

The Kentucky Open Meetings Act legislates the methods by which public meetings are conducted.

Freedom Kentucky also states:
If your request is not responded to in 3 working days, or they charge more than 10 cents/page copying fee, then you have the option of turning them into the Ky. State Attorney General's Office:(1-502-696-5300). Be sure to have documented evidence of the date of your initial request, (i.e. certified signature of receipt card for a written request or a copy of your emailed request mentioning your initial request by phone).

WHAS11 has a small tidbit on this HERE. KRS 61.872 can be seen HERE. A large Q&A on Kentucky Open Meetings and Open Records laws can be viewed by clicking HERE.

I would like to know your thoughts on this matter.

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