Monday, November 17, 2008

Mayor's Community Conversation 11/17/2008

A large group of concerned citizens turned out tonight at Pleasure Ridge Park High School for the year's last "Community Conversation". It was a well-behaved group, unlike the mob that showed up for the MSD meeting last week at the Southwest Government Center. Although it lacked the carnival-like atmosphere, I managed to get some good feedback from residents, and it was a pretty good time. Photos below:

Notice the picture of the guy in the gray jacket,looking at the camera. His name is Tom Yonders, He is a property owner near the area of Sun Valley park that has been turned into a dump for windstorm debris by the city. Mr. Yonders has owned the property for 3 years, and has never had a rodent problem. Since the dumping began, the residents along the area have reported a rat problem. Metro Parks and the Public Works Departments say it is the fault of the residents. Never mind the massive piles of branches and garbage. Mr. Yonders is very upset with the notion residents are somehow responsible for the rat invasion. He has taken several photos to back up his assertion. From the pictures I saw, the city has some explaining to do.

I attempted to take some video of the conversation between Mr. Yonders and the mayor, but the audio is awful. (Feel free to kick in the "tip jar" to help me get a real video camera) You can, however, hear the mayor's pre-planned answer that "Limbs don't attract rodents."

No, Mr. Mayor limbs alone do not attract rodents. But the rotting garbage that was dumped with the limbs do.

The answer is, obviously, to stop dumping trash-strewn storm debris in the park, and begin the cleanup process. But, as Mr. Yonders was told by Public Works tonight, dumping will continue until "at least until the end of this week" and cleanup will might be finished "probably around Christmas." Happy Holidays.

Update 11/18/2009, 10:30pm: Rick @ The 'Ville Voice, who was not at the Community Conversation, whacks hard on "whining" Southwest Louisville Residents based on one interview by one resident on one TV station (WLKY). Read his account here:

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