Thursday, December 25, 2008

Next Meeting of OCP Committee Set

Monday, January 5th at 7 PM at the Southwest Government Center, there will be another meeting of the new Committee to Save Otter Creek Park. Please make plans to attend. This is a growing and exciting movement that is putting together a workable agenda to save the park we all love. The group is growing daily!

Come take part in what will be a winning battle to insure the park remains open for future generations of outdoor lovers.

See you there.


  1. Is there any way we might be able to get help through Obama's new program to create more jobs to fix up and reopen Otter Creek Park. Fixing up the park would create new jobs in our area. It would boost the people's spirits during these hard times also to have our park look as good as Water Front Park. With them taking down the signs that tells me they want to close it for good. Why take down the signs if they might reopen it later. They could have just put closed over them. I don't plan on spending any of my money in Louisville any more.

  2. Hi Cathy, and thanks for commenting.

    I signed up to be part of the Friends of Otter Creek Park's "Government Liaison", or governmental affairs subcommittee. If I am selected to be part of this subcommittee, it would be my intention to contact every applicable official at all levels of government. That includes the President. There is definitely a case to be made for the park, and not just with the mayor. It seems as though he doesn't want to deal anyway.

    Over his head is the way to go, starting with 3rd District Congressman Yarmuth and his 2nd District counterpart, freshman Brett Guthrie.

    Stay tuned. We have much in store for the future!
