Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Tuesday's "Dr. Hicks" Home Update

The more I hear about the home located at 8601 Dixie Highway, the more I suspect it may be in need of a formal, organized historical preservation effort by people with much more knowledge than myself. I have received more information today regarding the pre-1940's era of the home, and I am hoping someone reading this can help corroborate these statements. I need a true or false answer here, folks. To wit:

"Prior to the man known as Dr. Hicks owning the house, the home was a 'stop off' point for people coming from the country that were headed into town, and served as a motel for overnight guests. The place even offered laundry service. This was back when Dixie was a 2-lane gravel road and was the only route through to Florida and points in between." Time period: circa 1920.

"Dr. Hicks also had a son named Stanley,(now deceased) who drove a Jefferson County school bus and a son, John, who also worked for the Jeff. Co. Schools in some support capacity. John and his family lived in a nice brick home on the hill directly above his father's home....Part of the house was also rented in the 1950's to a family named Ferguson...who had a daughter named Dorothy...who married a Kenneth Bales...and they live somewhere near Leavenworth area in Indiana. Dorothy could probably furnish lots of info on the old house since she lived in it for many years."

Other statements include memories of a cattle farm and hay production. I am working with many different folks and trying to piece these statements together on a timeline. I need help. If anyone has any experience dealing with historic preservation and would like to have a shot at the place, please let me know. I have many contacts.

A thousand THANKS go to the people who have furnished such detailed information. I realize we may have to rely on memories here, but as long as the home gets its due, that's ok with me. Thanks again.


  1. Fascinating information. I've always been curious about that house. Please, keep posting information as you find it.

  2. Thanks I've always been curious about that house
