The following is an email I received from the Kentucky Democratic
Party about a big rally in Iroquois Park on November 1st. If anyone has any information about any "get-out-the-vote" rallies in the South End for Republicans, please let me know.
Please join the Kentucky Democratic Party, Governor Steve Beshear, and special guest Ashley Judd, for a Get out the Vote Rally, November 1, at Iroquois Park Amphitheater, 1080 Amphitheater Road, Louisville. Click HERE for map.
Doors open at 3 p.m., program begins at 4:30 p.m.
Other guests include:
Lt. Governor Daniel Mongiardo
Congressman John Yarmuth
Mayor Jerry Abramson
United States Senate Candidate Bruce Lunsford
Auditor Crit Luallen
Attorney General Jack Conway
Treasurer Todd Hollenbach
Local Elected Officials and Candidates
Because the rally is in his backyard, State Senator Perry Clark is our honorary host and asks that you join us for the biggest GOTV rally of the year. We have the opportunity this year to turn out Democrats in record numbers to the polls, and continue to turn the Bluegrass blue.
We hope to see you on November 1st. And, remember to vote straight Democratic on November 4th.
Jennifer A. Moore
Chair, Kentucky Democratic Party
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