Monday, November 03, 2008

Bill Londrigan Pledges help for Local Building Trades Council

I just got off the phone with Bill Londrigan, President of the Kentucky State AFL-CIO. He once again stated his support for the Greater Louisville Building and Construction Trades Council's initiative to bring local jobs to local workers by pushing for a metro ordinance requiring contractors to hire local hands, and offered his help whenever it is needed.

As a Union Ironworker, I appreciate this idea greatly, because there is work in Jefferson County, and there is no reason why we should have out-of-towners doing it rather than experienced Louisville tradesmen. Part of this battle will depend on the kind of politicians we elect locally. Please vote tomorrow, and vote for those that support organized labor.

We live, work, play and pay taxes locally. We should be building our own bridges and buildings, too.

1 comment:

  1. I think that local workers in Jefferson, Bullitt, Shelby, Oldham, Clark, Floyd, Washington, etc should be the ones doing the local work.

    Not moving in people from Cincinnati, Nashville or anywhere else. I find it strange that you wouldn't live here and end up working somewhere out in Missouri, Tennessee, Ohio, etc. We need local jobs for local workers that way we can support our local communities not the other states that ship in their workers.

    As far as Brett Guthrie goes, that guy is pure poison and anyone that thinks that 7.73 an hour is enough to actually live on is either greedy or stupid. I can't figure out how Boswell didn't win that District especially if anyone actually read and studied the difference between the candidates. I just dont get how people in Kentucky think about low wage jobs, low wages, and what the effects having low wage jobs have on a family, person, and community.

    I'm also perplexed about how a group of people called Republicans can be all about family values despite the fact that they support economically family unfriendly legislation, support illegal actions against workers, and allow employers to run roughshod over everyone without no recourse, no system for greivance and all that.

    Thanks for all you do Brian and keep up the good work.

    P.S. Great to see that the buffoon Hawkins got the boot too.
