The following is a partial list of "shovel-ready" stimulus projects for Southwest Louisville listed in a .pdf file on the Louisville Metro Government website:
Valley High School:Phase 1 Renovation & construction of a new auditorium with gymnasium: HVAC replacement or upgrade, roofing, ceiling & lights in corridors & classrooms, windows, painting, paving, floor tile replacement, office renovation, and lock conversion JCPS Priority Project.
reenwood Elementary: Removal of portables, classroom conversion of existing media center, roofing, ceiling & lights in corridors & classrooms, windows, paving, painting, floor tile replacement, & lock conversion; Purchasing of a new elevator.
Johnsontown Road Elementary: Removal of portables, classroom conversion of existing media center, roofing, ceiling & lights in corridors & classrooms, windows, paving, painting, floor tile replacement, and lock conversion.
Mill Creek Elementary: Removal of portables, classroom conversion and expansion of existing media center, roofing, ceiling & lights in corridors & classrooms, windows, paving, painting, floor tile replacement, and lock conversion.
Wilkerson Tradition Elementary: Removal of portables, classroom conversion of existing media center, roofing, ceiling & lights in corridors & classrooms, windows, paving, painting, floor tile replacement, and lock conversion.
Southern HS Phase 1 Renovation: HVAC replacement or upgrade, roofing, ceiling & lights in corridors & classrooms, windows, lock conversion.
ouisville Clean Energy - this project would clean up, stop methane gas leakage and turn waste into a renewable energy source, at the
Lees Lane landfill. The organic material would be converted into a renewable energy source, using a technology that would yield zero emissions. The lack of organic material in the landfill would alleviate any methane gas byproduct.
Riverview Park (restaurant and adventure playground) – Extensive site preparation to replace the current playground at Riverview Park has been completed. The replacement play area would be finished with this project. Additionally, site preparation for an adjacent restaurant would be completed, a much sought amenity in southwest part of Louisville Metro. Once a restaurant is located on the site, a positive cash flow of $100,000 – $140,000, going directly to park maintenance, would be realized.
Penile Road Bridge Replacement (1113)
Blevins Gap Bridge Replacement (4410)
Blevins Gap Bridge Replacement (4021)
Blevins Gap Bridge Replacement (2700)
Bearcamp Road Bridge Replacement (10803)
Bearcamp Road Bridge Replacement (10911)
Bearcamp Road Bridge Replacement (11200)
Bearcamp Road Bridge Replacement (11417)
Mill Creek shared use path – A portion of the Louisville Loop - 24,000 linear feet between Sylvania Park and Sun Valley Park
Ohio River Levee Trail – A portion of the Louisville Loop - 13,000 linear feet between Riverside Historic Site and Mill Creek generating station.
West County Waste Water and Treatment Plant Pump Station Improvements and Additions: The scope will provide modifications to the Raw Sewage Pump Station (RSPS), a new Screening Facility, a new Wet Weather Pump Station (WWPS), and the Short-Term Detention Basins and related electrical and instrumentation equipment. Upgrading the sewer system to better accommodate the additional flow into the sewer system will result in a significant amount of wet weather flow conveyed to the WCWTP.
South Louisville Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation & Replacement Project: Significant rehabilitation of existing sewer lines and manholes along with replacement of pipes.
Shively Interceptor Project: The Shively Interceptor Project will install approximately 19,000 linear feet of gravity sewer pipe ranging in size from 10 inches to 27 inches in diameter.
Farnsley-Kaufman House: Restoration of a historic home to enhance the educational experience of middle school students
Riverside Landing: Water Supply, Electric Supply, Septic System, and Paving
Riverside Landing: Water Supply, Electric Supply, Septic System, and Paving - Construction of remaining utilities; sewers, electricity, telephone, and cable. Construction of roads, parking areas, walks, fire service access areas, site lighting and landscaping. Renovation and addition of two historic buildings as Green buildings.
SW Government Center: Geothermal HVAC Replace the existing energy inefficient and unreliable HVAC system with a new geothermal heat pump system; thus lowering the heating bills for the building up to 50 percent and lowering cooling bills up to 30 percent for this 30,000 s.f. facility
Fairdale Health Center: Geothermal HVAC and Playtorium – Replace the existing energy inefficient and unreliable HVAC systems with new geothermal heat pump systems, thus lowering the heating bills for the building up to 50% & lowering cooling bills up to 30% for a 7,000 s.f. facility and another 10,000 s.f. facility.
You can view the entire document and all projects Metro-wide by clicking